Your name in chinese Alice Jordan

How is Alice Jordan written in chinese?

Alice Jordan in simplified chinese:


Alice Jordan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Alice Jordan in chinese?

Alice Jordan transcribed to pinyin:

ài lì sī qiáo dān

Pronunciation of Alice Jordan in chinese:

Picture of the name Alice Jordan in chinese:

The name Alice Jordan in chinese characters

Meaning of Alice Jordan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
love, be fond of, like
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
silk; fine thread; wire; strings
tall, lofty; proud, stately
cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment)

Example sentences that contain Alice Jordan in chinese:

Alice Jordan's friend has five cats


àilìsīqiáodān de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ zhī māo

Alice Jordan's favorite fruit is the banana


àilìsīqiáodān zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xiāngjiāo

Alice Jordan now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jacqui 杰奎
Saeed 赛义德
Kelle 凯勒
Ming Ue 明宇
Eitan 艾坦
Jamer 贾默
Sweetie 甜心
Realee 不动产
Macitrick 马西特里克
Dzarief 扎里夫

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